Periodontitis treatment at the dental practice Dr. Kogan & Colleagues
A periodontitis is a chronical infection of the gums and the dental hold apparatus (fibers, stroma, bone), which is caused by bacterially infected plaque. Without the right and timely treatment, this sickness will cause permanent damage to the dental hold apparatus and even the loss of your teeth, in the further course.
An early stage periodontitis is usually pretty hard to diagnose for the untrained eye, since it does not cause any physical discomfort. In later stages, the gums will decline, tooth necks will be exposed, the gums will bleed, and they will be very sensitive to any stimulus. The inflammation can restricted to certain parts of the mouth space, or spread and lead to more serious complications.
In order to treat a periodontitis the surface of the teeth has to become “biological acceptable” again, so that the declined gums have a chance to re-attach themselves in a bacteria-proof way. For this, soft and hard plaque is removed manually and with the help of special devices, tooth by tooth.
If the sickness goes deeper, the treatment is conducted under anesthesia and includes the cleaning of the root surface (endodontic treatment), under the gums, with special instruments. This treatment is performed on every sickened tooth in the upper and lower jaw.
A chronical sickness of the dental hold apparatus, like the periodontitis, is one of the best examples why preventive examinations at the dentists are an absolute must. Go to regular prophylaxis treatments, in order to avoid unwanted sicknesses like this one and to be on the safe side of things. An inflammation like is unfortunately not only restricted to the mouth area, but it gets transported via the blood through the entire body. This circumstance can cause serious problems for people with heart problems, or pregnant women.
You have acute problems with a gingival inflammation (periodontitis)? Contact us today for a noncommittal consultation. Our friendly and multilingual team is here to help and is looking forward to meeting you in our dental practice.