Save your tooth


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Root canal procedure at the dental practice Dr. Kogan & Colleagues

A root canal procedure (or treatment) is used, if the dental nerve (Pulp) is inflamed, or dead. The goal of this treatment is, to rescue the tooth instead of just removing, or replacing it. During the treatment, the pulp tissue is removed, the root canal is widened, and the surrounding, infested tissue gets removed as well. Subsequently, the root canal is filled again. In some cases, the pulp tissue can be healed through something called a regenerative endodontic.

The preservation of your teeth is our number one goal. Through a gentle root canal treatment in our dental practice, we can clean the infested tooth from the inside and seal it permanently. This way present microorganisms are removed, and the intrusion of new/more microorganisms and body fluids is prevented. The recovery of healthy circumstances within the root canal and the neighboring tissue is important and prevents resultant problems.

Die you have issues with one of your teeth and you do not know where the pain is coming from? If so, make an appointment for a noncommittal consultation today. Our specialists will advise you objectively and come up with an individual therapeutic concept.

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What our patients say about us

Professionalità, gentilezza, attenzione, serietà e la passione per il proprio lavoro!!! Mi sono sentita subito a mio agio. Grazie a tutto lo staff del Zahnpraxis Dr. Roman Kogan!
Viktoriya@78 Mosca
Eine Praxis, mit sehr schönem Ambiente - Wohlfühlfaktor garantiert. Qualifizierte Ärzte & Helferinnen mit guter Beratung und exzellenter Durchführung ihrer Arbeit. Absolute Zufriedenheit !
liliana pavlovna
Dr. Kogan ist ein sehr kompetenter Arzt und hat sich viel Zeit für mich genommen. Ich bin super zufrieden
Maria Ley
Salutare români si moldoveni! Am fost de mai multe ori la acest Praxis. Este amplasat la 15 minute din centrul Berlinului, S Berlin Friedrichstrasse. Ambianta plăcută, personal educat. vorbitori de limba română, rusă engleza germană ucraineană...
Oleg Step
Sehr gute Praxis mit kompetentem, qualifiziertem und internationalem, gastfreundlichem Personal und positiver Energie an einem malerischen Ort in der Nähe der U-Bahn-Station, ich werde mich freuen, die Behandlung an diesem Ort fortzusetzen. Danke für den herzlichen Empfang.
Ole Ole
I was there for my first appointment two days ago and I was very happy with the service and will definitely come again soon.
Евгений Прохоренко
Very friendly, painless and professional, both dentist and staff. Highly recommended! מאוד ידידותיים, טיפול מקצועי ללא כאבים.. המלצות חמות על הרופא והצוות!
Noa Guez
Freundlicher Empfang, keine langen Wartezeiten. Herr Dr. Kogan nimmt sich Zeit für die Behandlung und arbeitet gründlich.
Marc Krusat
Super Arzt! Sehr zuverlässig und pünktlich. Terminierung ist perfekt.
Juri Pschegorlinski
Был в Берлине осенью 2016 года, очень сильно разболелся зуб - обратился по рекомендации, после посещения клиники и пары часов в кресле - забыл о проблеме.
Виктор Третьяк