Deferred Payment Plans at the dental practice Dr. Kogan & Colleagues
We offer our patients two different variants of deferred payment plans, at the dental practice Dr. Kogan & Colleagues. You can arrange your preferred model as soon as you receive your invoice. The only requirement for a deferred payment is, that the monthly rates are at least 50€. It does not matter for which treatment you want to arrange a payment plan.
Variant 1
If you pay your invoice within 12 months, in 12 payments of equal size, there is no additional cost. So, variant 1 is completely interest free! You can pay your deferred payments on the 1th, or 15th of the month. The first rate has to be payed within 30 days of the invoice date (the money has to be in our account).
Variant 2
For payment plans (rates) with a duration of more than 12 months (maximum 48 month), we calculate an interest rate of 9,9% (starting form the first rate) + a handling fee of 1,5% on the open invoice amount.
We also offer you the opportunity to book an optional “HealthProtector”, when creating your individual deferred payment plan. If you book this option, the insurance will cover your payments/rates, in case of unemployment (for employees), or hospital stays (for self-employed), disability, or in case of death. Requirements: The duration of your payment plan has to be at least 9 months; maximum 48 months and the minimum invoice amount is 500€.
Please contact us via phone, or email, if you have questions regarding our deferred payment plans. Our team is happy to help and will consult you extensively. We are looking forward to getting in touch with you!