Dentures and aesthetic dentures at the dental practice Dr. Kogan & Colleagues
If teeth fall out, or if they are damaged to a point, where fillings are no longer helping, in order to “heal” the tooth, dentures are needed. By now, the modern dentistry offers a number of different solutions and most of the time the patient can even choose between different therapeutic concepts.
Here is an overview of the most common therapies, we use on a daily basis in our dental practice:
Dental implants: Dental implants are directly placed into the jaw bone and function as an artificial dental root. Over time, the implant grows together with the surrounding bone and becomes a very durable carrier for the crown sitting on top. You can find more information regarding this topic in our implantology section.
Veneers: Veneers are extremely thin shells made from ceramic of plastic, which are glued on the visible parts of the front teeth. A special glue is used here, in order to ensure durability. You can find more information about this topic in our dedicated veneers section.
Inlays & Overlays: An inlay is an individually manufactured solid object (body), which is fitted perfectly to fill a gap, or hole in a tooth, or between teeth. It gets glued, is very durable and the high-grade alternative to the classical filling. If they are controlled and taken care of on a regular basis, they will last a life-time (other than fillings, which have to be renewed). In modern dentistry all inlays are created from ceramic, due to that fact that the color can be adapted to the tooth and they basically become invisible to the eye, giving them a very natural and aesthetic look. Big inlays are also called onlyas, or overlays.
Telescopic dentures: A telescopic denture is a high-grade, removable dental prosthesis, which replaces missing teeth. It is also called a combined denture, since the telescopic denture usually consists of fixed and removable parts. The prosthesis gets fixated on so-called telescopic crowns, which are hidden within the prosthesis and therefore they are not visible from the outside.
Zirconium crowns: The zirconium crown is very popular, because it cannot be distinguished from healthy teeth, due to its natural shimmer and slight translucency. On top of that, it is completely free from metal, which makes it perfectly body compatible. The crown is adjusted to the respective tooth, placed upon it and fixated.